Kick-off meeting at IES Chan Do Monte Marín of our KA220 Erasmus Project “Multimodality and Literacy in Schools”. Thanks to our partners ITEACH from Istambul, EDUCADEMY from Prague, Bright Academy from Sofia, Osnovna sola Brezice from Slovenia and ARDA Beratung & Bildung GmbH from Berlin. ARRIVAL DATE: 07th NovemberWORKING DAYS: 08th and 09th NovemberDEPARTURE DAY: 10th NovemberParticipants: […]
2. LTTA in Brežice / Slovenia , 26-30. September 2023 Project Name: Multimodality and Literacy in School Classrooms (MLinSchools) Project ID: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000031549 Coordinator: #IES ChandoMonte, Spain Partners: ARDA Beratung & Bildung Germany, #Educademy Czech Republic #BrightAcademy Bulgaria#OsnovnaBrezice Slovenia
Day 1: 08 April 2023, Saturday / ARRIVALMeeting locationHOTEL KRYSTAL ***Address : José Martího 407/2, 162 00 Praha 6-Veleslavín, Czechia Day 2: 09 April 2023, Sunday09:00-09:30 Welcome and introduction of participants09:30-10:30 Presentation of project intermediate evaluation report10:30 –11:00 Coffee – Tea Break11:00 – 12:30 Examination of studies conducted based on the project schedule 12:30 –13:30 […]